I gave people the link to my trailer and then a link to a questionnaire on Google Forms. At the time of writing I have 5 responses from people including myself as I wanted to use the Trailer as a tool to assess my own work also.
What do we learn about my trailer from these results?
People think that the trailer was at a perfect length, and if we compare my trailer to an average length of other movie trailers this does appear to be true, This is a good thing I personally did want my trailer to meet the 2 minute mark however. Most people think that the trailer had enough content in the trailer and it does appear to show off several key points we wrote from our script, The text also has a positive feedback also showing that it was related to the content in the trailer and way it was displayed and animated was accurate. The main negative that I noticed people had from my feedback is that the effects were not very good and the way they commented on the trailer basically says "If you watched the trailer, you wouldn't of thought it was for a paranormal horror." Unfortunately this is something I do agree with.
Strengths About My Product:
- I think the content we used in the trailer has enough content and effects to not make the person watching it entertained and not bored.
- I think the length of the trailer is perfect. It match the length of most trailers around for this genre, but it also is long enough to give the viewer some information about what the film is about.
- I think the text and the animations I created adds a certain aspect to the film that I was looking for.
Weaknesses About My Product:
- I think the eye opening scene near the ending of the trailer could be of better quality. If I had more time to work on this scene I would of also liked to add my own sound instead of one that I had downloaded from the internet making it more realistic as well as not as loud.
- The lighting is defiantly a weakness in my trailer. When we were filming we weren't exactly thinking about unfortunately and in many areas it doesn't appear right. White balancing is also a big issue with my product. A lot of it was corrected when the edit was done. But it's not perfect.
Comparing my final product with the research I worked on:
In my research that I did at the start of my project, I noticed that in many paranormal horror film trailers near the ending of the trailer there tends to be a jump scare just before displaying the film title for example. This was attempted in my trailer which is good as its a popular feature but I'm not sure its 100% effective as well as being quite loud and slightly annoying. In my research I noticed that quite a lot of close ups are used to add suspense to the film. I think I did this in the eye opening scene which I did to make the viewer jump.
In my research that I did at the start of my project, I noticed that in many paranormal horror film trailers near the ending of the trailer there tends to be a jump scare just before displaying the film title for example. This was attempted in my trailer which is good as its a popular feature but I'm not sure its 100% effective as well as being quite loud and slightly annoying. In my research I noticed that quite a lot of close ups are used to add suspense to the film. I think I did this in the eye opening scene which I did to make the viewer jump.